Common Blood Group Phenotypes and Frequency

Blood Group Antibody Transfusion Reaction Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn % Compatible Blood (Whites) % Compatible Blood (Blacks) Special Notes
Rh-hr D Probable Probable 15 15 Most immunogenic group
C Probable Possible 30 30
E Probable Possible 70 70
c Probable Probable 20 20
e Probable Possible 3 3
f Probable Possible 33 33
Cw Probable Possible 98 98
V Probable None reported 100 82
Kell K Probable Possible 90 97 Second most immunogenic group
k Probable Possible <1 <1
Kpa Probable Possible 98 99
Kpb Probable Possible <1 <1
Jsa Probable Possible 99 80
Jsb Probable Possible 0 <1
Duffy Fya Probable Possible 33 89  
Fyb Probable Possible 20 77
Kidd Jka Probable Possible 25 9 Antibody may fade out and become negative (or undetectable)
Jkb Probable Possible 25 57
Lewis Lea Possible Rare 78 82 Cold (usually IgM & rarely causing hemolytic transfusion reactions or hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
Leb Rare Rare 28 40
MNS S Probable Possible 45 69  
s Probable Possible 11 3
M Rare Rare 22 30 Cold (usually IgM & rarely causing hemolytic transfusion reactions or hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
N Rare Rare 28 26
U Probable Possible 0 <1  
P P1 Rare Rare 21 5 Cold (usually IgM & rarely causing hemolytic transfusion reactions or hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
P Probable None reported <1 <1
P+P1+Pk Probable Possible <1 <1
Lutheran Lua Rare Rare 92 92  
Lub Probable Possible <1 <1
